Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Posted by Chris Banes, Android Developer Relations

Following on the Android 4.3 and Nexus 7 announcements, we recently released two important tools to help you build beautiful apps that follow Android Design best practices:

  • We released a new backward-compatible Action Bar implementation called ActionBarCompat that's part of the Support Library r18. The ActionBarCompat APIs let you build the essential Action Bar design pattern into your app, with broad compatibility back to Android 2.1.

  • We released the full source code for the I/O 2013 app, which gives you working examples of ActionBarCompat, responsive design for phones and tablets, Google+ sign-in, synchronized data kept fresh through Google Cloud Messaging, livestreaming using the YouTube Android Player API, Google Maps API v2, and much more.
    All of the app code and resources are available for you to browse or download, and it's all licensed under Apache License 2.0/Creative Commons 3.0 BY so you can reuse it in your apps. You can get the source at

This post helps you get started with ActionBarCompat, from setting up the Support Library to adding an Action Bar to your UI. If you want to see ActionBarCompat in action first, download the I/O 2013 app from Google Play and give it a try. The app's Action Bar is built using the ActionBarCompat and served as our main test environment for making sure the APIs work properly, with full compatibility across platform versions.

Getting Started with ActionBarCompat

ActionBarCompat is a new API in the Android Support Library that allows you to add an Action Bar to applications targeting minSdkVersion 7 or greater. The API and integration have been designed to closely mirror the existing framework APIs, giving you an easy migration path for your existing apps.

If you've already using another implementation of Action Bar in your app, you can choose whether to ActionBarCompat. If you’re using the old ActionBarCompat sample available through the SDK, then we highly recommend that you upgrade to the new ActionBarCompat API in the Support Library. If you’re using a third-party solution (such as ActionBarSherlock), there are a few reasons to consider upgrading:

ActionBarSherlock is a solid and well-tested library which has served
developers very well for a long time. If you are already using it and do not
currently require any of the above then there is no need to migrate.

If you are ready to get started with ActionBarCompat, the sections below take you through the process.

1. Add ActionBarCompat as a project dependency

ActionBarCompat is distributed as both a Gradle artifact and a library project. See Setting Up the Support Library for more information.

2. Update your style resources

The first thing to update are your Activity themes so they use a Theme.AppCompat theme. If you're currently using one of the Theme.Holo themes then just replace this with the related Theme.AppCompat theme. For instance if you have the following in your AndroidManifest.xml:

android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo" />

You would change it to:

android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat" />

Things get more tricky when you have a customized theme. The first thing to do is change your base theme to one of the Theme.AppCompat themes, like above.

If you have customized styles for the Action Bar (and related widgets) then you must also change these styles to extend from the Widget.AppCompat version. You also need to double-set each attribute: once in the Android namespace and again with no namespace (the default namespace).

For example, in the following example we have a custom theme which extends from Theme.Holo.Light, which references a custom Action Bar style.

<style name="Theme.Styled" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
<item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/Widget.Styled.ActionBar</item>

<style name="Widget.Styled.ActionBar"
<item name="android:background">@drawable/ab_custom_solid_styled</item>
<item name="android:backgroundStacked"
<item name="android:backgroundSplit"

To make this work with AppCompat you would move the above styles into the values-v14 folder, modifying each style's parent to be an AppCompat version.

<style name="Theme.Styled" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light">
<!-- Setting values in the android namespace affects API levels 14+ -->
<item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/Widget.Styled.ActionBar</item>

<style name="Widget.Styled.ActionBar" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionBar">
<!-- Setting values in the android namespace affects API levels 14+ -->
<item name="android:background">@drawable/ab_custom_solid_styled</item>
<item name="android:backgroundStacked"
<item name="android:backgroundSplit"

You would then need add the following into the values folder:

<style name="Theme.Styled" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light">
<!-- Setting values in the default namespace affects API levels 7-13 -->
<item name="actionBarStyle">@style/Widget.Styled.ActionBar</item>

<style name="Widget.Styled.ActionBar" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionBar">
<!-- Setting values in the default namespace affects API levels 7-13 -->
<item name="background">@drawable/ab_custom_solid_styled</item>
<item name="backgroundStacked">@drawable/ab_custom_stacked_solid_styled</item>
<item name="backgroundSplit">@drawable/ab_custom_bottom_solid_styled</item>

3. Modify Menu resources

As with the standard Action Bar in Android 3.0 and later versions, action items are added via the options menu. The difference with ActionBarCompat is that you need to modify your Menu resource files so that any action item attributes come from ActionBarCompat's XML namespace.

In the example below you can see that a new "yourapp" namespace has been added to the menu element, with the showAsAction and actionProviderClass attributes being provided from this namespace. You should also do this for the other action item attributes (actionLayout and actionViewClass) if you use them.

<menu xmlns:yourapp=""

yourapp:showAsAction="always" />

4. Extend Activity classes from ActionBarCompat

ActionBarCompat contains one Activity class which all of your Activity classes should extend: ActionBarActivity.

This class itself extends from FragmentActivity so you can continue to use Fragments in your application. There is not a ActionBarCompat Fragment class that you need to extend, so you should continue using as the base class for your Fragments.

5. Add Menu callbacks

To display items on the Action Bar, you need to populate it by overriding onCreateOptionsMenu() and populating the Menu object. The best way to do this is by inflating a menu resource. If you need to call any MenuItem methods introduced in API level 11 or later, you need to call the shim for that method in MenuItemCompat instead. Here's an example:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

// Find the share item
MenuItem shareItem = menu.findItem(;

// Need to use MenuItemCompat to retrieve the Action Provider
mActionProvider = (ShareActionProvider)

return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

6. Retrieve the Action Bar

ActionBarCompat contains it’s own ActionBar class, and to retrieve the Action Bar attached to your activity you call getSupportActionBar(). The API exposed by the compatibility class mirrors that of the framework ActionBar class, allowing you to alter the navigation, show/hide it, and change how it display it’s contents.

7. Add ActionMode callbacks

To start an action mode from your ActionBarActivity simply call startSupportActionMode(), providing a callback similar to how you would with the native action mode. The following example shows how to start an action mode, inflate a menu resource and react to user’s selection:

startSupportActionMode(new ActionMode.Callback() {
public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode actionMode, Menu menu) {
// Inflate our menu from a resource file
actionMode.getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

// Return true so that the action mode is shown
return true;

public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode actionMode, Menu menu) {
// As we do not need to modify the menu before displayed, we return false.
return false;

public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode actionMode, MenuItem menuItem) {
// Similar to menu handling in Activity.onOptionsItemSelected()
switch (menuItem.getItemId()) {
// Some remove functionality
return true;

return false;

public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode actionMode) {
// Allows you to be notified when the action mode is dismissed

Similar to the Activity class, ActionBarActivity provides two methods that you can override to be notified when an action mode is started/finished from within your Activity (including attached Fragments). The methods are onSupportActionModeStarted() and onSupportActionModeFinished().

8. Add support for Up navigation

Simple example

Up navigation support is built into ActionBarCompat and is similar to that provided in the Android framework in Android 4.1 and higher.

In the simplest form, you just need add a reference in each AndroidManifest <activity> element to its logical parent activity. This is done by adding a metadata element to the <activity> element. You should also set the android:parentActivityName attribute for explicit Android 4.1 support, although this is not strictly necessary for ActionBarCompat:

<activity android:name=".SampleActivity"
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value=".SampleParentActivity" />

In your Activity you should then configure the home button to display for up navigation:


When the user now clicks on the home item, the user will navigate up to the parent Activity set in your AndroidManifest.

Advanced calls

There are a number of methods which can be overridden to customize what happens when a user clicks on the home item. Each of the methods below replicate/proxy similarly-named methods added in Android 4.1:

  • onSupportNavigateUp()

  • supportNavigateUpTo(Intent)

  • getSupportParentActivityIntent()

  • supportShouldUpRecreateTask(Intent)

  • onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack(TaskStackBuilder) and onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack(TaskStackBuilder)

Requesting Window features

When using ActionBarActivity you should call supportRequestWindowFeature() to request window features. For instance the following piece of code requests an overlay action bar:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Needs to be called before setting the content view

// Now set the content view

Adding support for ProgressBar

Similar to the native Action Bar, ActionBarCompat supports displaying progress bars on the Action Bar. First you need to request the window feature, you then display or alter the progress bars with one of the following methods, each of which mirror functionality in the similar named method from Activity:

  • setSupportProgress()

  • setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate()

  • setSupportProgressBarVisibility()

  • setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility()

Below is an example which requests an indeterminate progress bar, and then later displays it:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Needs to be called before setting the content view

// Now set the content view
// When ready, show the indeterminate progress bar

Further Reading

The Action Bar API Guide covers a lot of what is in this post and much more. Even if you have used the Action Bar API in the past, it’s definitely worth reading to see how ActionBarCompat differs from the framework.

There are also a number of sample applications using ActionBarCompat covering how to use the library in various ways. You can find them in the “Samples for SDK” package in the SDK Manager.

Check out the video below for a quick hands-on with ActionBarCompat.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Posted by Purnima Kochikar, Director of Business Development, Games & Applications

Last week, we unveiled a number of new things in the world of Android. And while we already showcased the new tools available at your disposal in Android 4.3, we also unveiled a new Nexus 7 tablet, as well as the Google Play Games app, both of which represent opportunities to take advantage of a growing number of users.

Nexus 7 and the Android tablet revolution

If you’re a developer optimizing your app for Android tablets, no doubt you’re familiar with the original Nexus 7. It was Google’s statement on what a great Android tablet experience should look like, and since then, the Android tablet ecosystem has come a long way. There have already been more than 70 million activations of Android tablets, with more than 1 in 2 tablets sold today running Android. We’re starting to see with Android tablets what could be the hockey stick growth all of us experienced a couple of years ago with Android smartphones, and we hope that the new Nexus 7 continues to fuel this growth even further.

Most top developers on Android have already prepared their applications for this wave of new Android tablet users, including many of the essentials, like the New York Times, Zappos, Evernote, Flipboard, Pinterest and more. To help users find your tablet-designed apps more easily on Google Play, you can now choose to only see apps designed for tablets in the top lists. There are also over 50 new collections, which highlight outstanding tablet apps.

To take advantage of the Android tablet revolution, check out our Tablet App Quality Checklist, which has tips and techniques on how to deliver a great app experience for tablet users. It details all of the key things you need to do to optimize your app for tablets, like taking advantage of the extra screen real estate and adjusting font sizes and touch targets, to things you can do on the distribution side, like declaring support for tablet screens and showcasing your tablet UI on Google Play by uploading tablet-specific screenshots. Optimizing your app for Android tablets will unlock a whole new group of users, like those who are about to receive their new Nexus 7 tablets.

Taking your game to the next level

The Android games category on Google Play is on fire; in fact, the vast majority of top mobile game developers are building Android tablet games, and most new titles launch immediately on Android. To help game developers take advantage of the next generation of games, at Google I/O in May, we introduced Google Play game services, our gaming platform for Android, iOS, and the web. By building on Google’s strengths in mobile and cloud services, Google Play game services allows game developers to focus on what they’re good at: creating great gaming experiences for their users.

Turbocharging that growth even more, on Wednesday we introduced the Google Play Games app, which brings your friends together with the games you love, where you can invite a friend and start challenging gamers around the world, compete for top achievements, and race to the top of the leaderboard.

Since the launch at Google I/O, just over two months ago, over one thousand games have added Google Play game services, with millions of users enjoying features like leaderboards and multiplayer inside of the games they love. Some of those early developers using Google Play game services are reporting incredible upticks in vital engagement metrics; for instance, Concrete Software is seeing session length up 15%, and Glu is reporting a 40% increase in 7-day user retention.

Here are a few things you can do to take your game to the next level with Google Play:

  • Integrate with Play Games using achievements and leaderboards to activate your players.

  • Add real-time multiplayer to competitive and cooperative games and increase engagement.

  • Use Play Games branding guidelines and create rich visuals that bolster your presence in the Google Play Games app.

Whether it be getting your app ready for the wave of new Android tablets that are lighting up each day, or opening up a whole new set of features for your users with Google Play game services, a great Android experience starts with a great app or game. That’s why we’re working hard to help provide you with the tools and features needed to create those great experiences for your users, and to help you reach as many of them as possible in the process, with Google Play.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Posted by Dave Burke, Engineering Director, Android Platform

Today in San Francisco we announced Android 4.3, a sweeter version of Jelly Bean that includes great new features for users and developers. Android 4.3 powers the new Nexus 7 tablet that's coming soon to Google Play and retail outlets, and it’s rolling out now as an update to Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and Galaxy Nexus HSPA+ devices across the world.

For developers, Android 4.3 includes the latest performance enhancements to keep your apps fast, smooth, and efficient, together with new APIs and capabilities to use in your apps. Here's a taste of what's new:

  • OpenGL ES 3.0 — Game developers can now take advantage of OpenGL ES 3.0 and EGL extensions as standard features of Android, with access from either framework or native APIs.

  • Bluetooth Smart — Now your apps can communicate with the many types of low-power Bluetooth Smart devices and sensors available today, to provide new features for fitness, medical, location, proximity, and more.

  • Restricted profiles — Tablet owners can create restricted profiles to limit access to apps, for family, friends, kiosks, and more. Your app can offer various types of restrictions to let tablet owners control its capabilities in each profile.

  • New media capabilities — A modular DRM framework enables media application developers to more easily integrate DRM into their own streaming protocols such as MPEG DASH. Apps can also access a built-in VP8 encoder from framework or native APIs for high-quality video capture.

  • Notification access — Your apps can now access and interact with the stream of status bar notifications as they are posted. You can display them in any way you want, including routing them to nearby Bluetooth devices, and you can update and dismiss notifications as needed.

  • Improved profiling tools — New tags in the Systrace tool and on-screen GPU profiling give you new ways to build great performance into your app.

Check out the Android 4.3 platform highlights for a complete overview of what’s new for developers. To read more about the new APIs and how to use them, take a look at the API Overview or watch the new DevBytes videos.

Along with the new Android 4.3 platform we’re releasing an update to the Android NDK (r9). The new NDK gives you native access to the OpenGL ES 3.0 APIs and other stable APIs in Android 4.3, so if you use high-performance graphics in your games or apps, make sure to check it out.

Last, we’ve updated the Android Support Library (r18) with several key APIs to help you build great apps with broad compatibility. Most important, we've added an Action Bar API to let you build this essential Android design pattern into your app with compatibility back to Android 2.1. For apps targeting RTL languages, there's a new BidiFormatter utility you can use to manage RTL strings with compatibility back to Android 2.1. Also, watch for a new RenderScript feature coming soon that will let you take advantage of hardware-accelerated computation with compatibility back to Android 2.2.

You can get started developing and testing on Android 4.3 right away, in Android Studio or in ADT/Ant. You can download the Android 4.3 Platform (API level 18), as well as the SDK Tools, Platform Tools, and Support Library from the Android SDK Manager.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Posted by Roman Nurik, Android Developer Relations

For most users, the launcher icon (sometimes referred to as the app icon) is the first impression of your app. As higher density screens on both phones and tablets gain popularity, it's important to make sure your launcher icon is crisp and high quality. To do this, make sure you’re including XHDPI (320dpi) and XXHDPI (480dpi) versions of the icon in your app.

In addition to the current launcher icon guidelines, please also refer to these additional important guidelines when creating your icons:

  • Launcher icons are 48dp square and should be provided for MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, and XXHDPI densities—at the very least XHDPI and XXHDPI.

  • The 512px Google Play listing icon should have the same content as the launcher icon, except for minor additional badging.

  • Launcher icons should be designed specifically for Android. As per the Pure Android design guidelines, avoid mimicking visual elements and styles from other platforms.

  • Launcher icons should be three-dimensional, front view, with a slight perspective as if viewed from above, so that users perceive some depth.

  • Launcher icons should have a distinct silhouette, meaning that you should avoid simple square/circle icons and instead opt for unique shapes.

  • Launcher icons should be simple at the macro level but still detailed at the micro level (e.g. include subtle edge effects, gradients and textures).

  • Launcher icons should employ lightweight background protection such as a subtle drop shadow, but it should not be too dark or visually prominent.

  • Launcher icons should include between 0dp and 3dp of padding. Vary the padding for optical alignment and weight normalization purposes (e.g. thinner icons can use smaller padding and thicker icons can use less padding for a more consistent icon mass across icons).

Note that tablets and other large screen devices request a launcher icon that is one density size larger than the device's actual density, so you should provide your launcher icon at the highest density possible. For example, if a tablet has an XHDPI screen, it will request the XXHDPI version of the launcher icon.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Posted by Reto Meier, Android Developer Relations Tech Lead

The 2013 mid-year Android Developer Survey is now open!

Last year more than 5,000 of you shared your Android Development experiences and challenges with us, and your responses directly influenced our choices and priorities for building things like Android Studio, the new Google Play Publishing Console, and the Google Play services.

We in the Android Developer Relations team are passionate about making Android app development a great experience, so we're once again asking all of you involved in developing Android apps - engineers, designers, product managers, and distribution and support folks - to let us know what you think.

We want to better understand the challenges you face when planning, designing, writing, distributing, and monetizing your Android apps, so we've put together this brief (15-20min) survey that will help us create better tools and resources for you.

In an effort to get a better representation of developers from around the world the survey is available in the following languages:

Last year you told us you'd like a way to give us general written feedback, so to facilitate this while keeping the survey short and simple, we've included a link at the end of the survey that will let you send us as much direct feedback as you care to, completely anonymously.

Of course, you can always send us your thoughts, questions, suggestions, and complaints any time by posting to us (publicly or privately) on Google+ at +Android Developers or using the hash tag #AndroidDev.

As always, we're looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Posted by Marco Paglia, Android Design Team

Attention to detail makes an app truly beautiful: transitions are fast and clear, layout and typography are crisp and meaningful, and design touches that delight you in surprising ways are sprinkled throughout. Today, we’re publishing a new Beautiful Design collection on Google Play, which highlights 11 beautiful apps with these kinds of masterfully crafted design details.

The collection, which we’ll refresh with new apps every so often, currently includes:

  • Pattrn (by Lucas Rocha), a beautifully focused app for discovering and sharing unique wallpapers on any size screen device.

  • Pocket (by Read It Later), an article keeper and reader app with a beautiful queue browsing interface and a remarkably comfortable and pleasing reading experience on phones and tablets.

  • Timer (by Opoloo), a timer app with an elegant and deeply satisfying timer-creation interface and simple, beautiful theme choices.

  • Eye in Sky Weather, NY Times, Grand St., Pinterest, Press, Expedia, Flipboard and TED… each with delightful design details.

If you’re an Android developer, make sure to play with some of these apps to get a sense for the types of design details that can separate good apps from great ones.

Lastly, remember that this new Beautiful Design collection is just one of a number of unique collections on Google Play that are front and center in the new Google Play Store app client.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Posted by Sachin Kotwani, Google Cloud Platform team

Android Studio lets you easily add a cloud backend to your application, right from your IDE. A backend allows you to implement functionality such as backing up user data to the cloud, serving content to client apps, real-time interactions, sending push notifications through Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM), and more. Additionally, having your application’s backend hosted on Google App Engine means that you can focus on what the cloud application does, without having to worry about administration, reliability or scalability.

When you create a backend using Android Studio, it generates a new App Engine application under the same project, and gives your Android application the necessary libraries and a sample activity to interact with that backend. Support for GCM is built-in, making it easy to sync data across multiple devices. Once you've generated the project, you can build and run your client and server code together, in a single environment, and even deploy your backend code right from Android Studio.

In this post we’ll focus on how to get started with the basic setup. From there it's easy to extend the basic setup to meet your needs.

Preliminary setup

Before you get started, make sure you take care of these tasks first:

  • Download Android Studio if you haven’t done so already and set it up.

  • Make sure you have an application project set up in Android Studio. You can use any working app that you want to integrate with your backend, even a sample app.

  • If you'll be running the app on an emulator, download the Google APIs Addon from the SDK Manager and run your app on that image.

  • Create a Google Cloud Platform project: In the Cloud Console, create a new project (or reuse an old one) and make note of the Project ID. Click on the words “Project ID” on the top left to toggle to the Project Number. Copy this as well.

  • Enable GCM and obtain API Key: In the Cloud Console, click on APIs and turn on the Google Cloud Messaging for Android API. Then, click on the “Register App” button on the top left, enter a name for the app, then select “Android” and “Accessing APIs via a web server”. In the resulting screen, expand the “Server Key” box and copy the API key.

1. Generate an App Engine project

In Android Studio, open an existing Android application that you want to modify, or create a new one. Select the Android app module under the Project node. Then click Tools > Google Cloud Endpoints > Create App Engine Backend.

In the wizard, enter the Project ID, Project Number, and API Key of your Cloud project.

This will create:

  • An App Engine project which contains the backend application source

  • An endpoints module with a RegisterActivity class, related resources, and client libraries for the Android app to communicate with the backend

The generated App Engine application (<app_name>-AppEngine) is an Apache Maven-based project. The Maven pom.xml file takes care of downloading all the dependencies, including the App Engine SDK. This module also contains the following:

  • A Google Cloud Endpoint (, auto-generated from that your Android app will “register” itself through. Your backend will use that registration info to send a push notification to the device.

  • A sample endpoint,, to list previously sent GCM messages and send new ones.

  • A starter web frontend application (index.html in webapp directory) that will show all the devices that have registered with your service, and a form to send them a GCM notification.

The endpoints module (<app_name>-endpoints) generated for you contains the classes and libraries needed by the Android application to interact with the backend:

  • A class that, when invoked, will go through the GCM registration flow and also register itself with the recently created backend through DeviceInfoEndpoint.

  • Client libraries, so that the application can talk to the backend using an object rather than directly using raw REST calls.

  • XML files related to the newly created activity.

2. Add GCM registration to your app

In your Android application, you can call RegisterActivity whenever you want the registration to take place (for example, from within the onCreate() method of your main activity.

import android.content.Intent;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, RegisterActivity.class);

3. Deploy the sample backend server

When you're ready to deploy an update to your ( the sample ) production backend in the cloud, you can do that easily from the IDE. Click on the “Maven Projects” button on the right edge of the IDE, under Plugins > App Engine, right-click and run the appengine:update goal.

As soon as the update is deployed, you can also access your endpoints through the APIs Explorer at http://<project-id>

For testing and debugging, you can also run your backend server locally without having to deploy your changes to the production backend. To run the backend locally, just set the value of LOCAL_ANDROID_RUN to true in in the App Engine module.

4. Build and run the Android app

Now build and run your Android app. If you called RegisterActivity from within your main activity, the device will register itself with the GCM service and the App Engine app you just deployed. If you are running the app on an emulator, note that GCM functionality requires the Google APIs Addon image, which you can download from the SDK Manager.

You can access your sample web console on any browser at http://<project-id> There, you will see that the app you just started has registered with the backend. Fill out the form and send a message to see GCM in action!

Extending the basic setup

It's easy to expand your cloud services right in Android Studio. You can add new server-side code and through Android Studio instantly generate your own custom endpoints to access those services from your Android app.

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